
About Samairah's Blessings

Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Reiki Grandmaster, Psychologist, Akashic Records Healer and BFRP.

Richa is a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Reiki Grandmaster , Psychologist, Akashic Records Healer and Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP).

She is an ex-banker with 15 years of Investment and transaction banking experience with top most banks such as JP Morgan (3 years) and Deutsche Bank (11 years). In midst of the hustle bustle of climbing the corporate ladder, she felt a strong need to fulfill her life's purpose in the area of healing.

This arena had held a strong fascination for her since youth. She became a Reiki healer when she was 18 years old. Her interest in Hypnotherapy was crystallised by Dr Brian Weiss’s book – Many Lives, Many Masters.

She had questions about Life and its purpose which led her to continue her to study Reiki, Neuro Linguistic Programming , Psychology, Hypnotherapy and Bach Flower Remedies. She has acquired specialisation in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Life between Lives Spiritual Regression, Past Life Regression and Inner Child Work and Akashic Records Healing. She has recently started consulting for Bach Flower remedies as well.

She teaches Reiki and Akashic Records with the same passion that she brings to Life.

Her ethos in life comes from this paradigm from Pierre De Chardin - " We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

She is also passionate about hand crafting jewellery with Reiki infused semi precious crystals which she retails through her facebook page: Samairah's Blessings and instagram handle : samairahssparklers_rich. She is an avid painter and dancing gives her feet wings.


Our Services

Our services include, Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives, Personalised Hypnotherapeutic Recording, Reiki, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Past Life Regression

This sub specialisation of hypnotherapy is a highly effective method for changing the subconscious programming which may be attributable to previous lives.
It has proven to be incisive tool in the area of phobia reduction and treatment of anxiety disorders.

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Life Between Lives

Also known as Transpersonal Therapy: Life Between Lives or LBL is a deep hypnotic process which has developed over the years.
This unique experience allows you to reconnect with your soul and help you in understanding your actual spiritual identity.

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Personalised Hypnotherapeutic Recordings

All your therapy sessions will be recorded in audio format. You can keep these recorded audio and listen to your session as many times as you like. It will also be archived by the therapist.
The recordings will be handed over to the you once the sessions are over.

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Technically, Reiki can be defined as a non-physical healing energy made up of life force energy that is spiritually guided by the Higher Intelligence and which has life force energy.
Reiki can be administered by anyone who has proper training of this technique.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This is a problem solving psychotherapy treatment which takes a practical approach to problem-solving.
The main objective of this treatment is to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are behind people’s difficulties, and hence change the way they feel and react.

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

If you look at each word - Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
Hence, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

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Akashic Records - Healing

Akashic Records are compendium of all thoughts, emotions and actions- past and present of every being in this universe.
They provide all the information and understanding for a person so one can take appropriate action.

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Explore the all about our activities in a frame that you can get clear idea how we work and how you will be benefited.


Some of my clients have been kind enough to share their reviews. It's energising to know I have been able to touch their lives in a positive way.
The names have been changed for privacy.

In my first session, I experienced a strong surge of emotions mostly related to my past, it helped me let go of my fear and pain in a profound way. I felt a lot better and stronger emotionally and the affirmation helped me to accept and love myself.

In my 2nd session, I realised that there was a lot more to subconscious than I thought. It helped me not just resolve some issues of the past, but also some concerns of the present. I had come to the session in a very restless state, but was very peaceful after the session. The new affirmation and meditation are helping a lot.

Deepa Kohli

The sessions were really good as they helped me combat issues that were bottling up within from quite a long time. I had actually lived the moment again through the session and feel quite light about that agonizing incident now.

I do practise the things told to me during the sessions, such as: always think and speak positively (it has really fetched amazing results); when feeling low and bad thoughts creep in, just question the thought itself and the reason for it to come; at the end of the day I'm grateful for everything, and think of all the good things that have happened to me that day. Amazing !!!

Sheela Ranganathan

The session I had with you was wonderful. You enabled me to see myself in a different light. It helped me sort out my priorities and any inner fears / guilts / self-doubts that I may have had at that time. I feel energetic and I am able to multitask at work. At home, I am a very happy person with time for my family and, more importantly, myself. I feel positive!

Every morning I feel positive as I know I am capable of great things, and every night I go to bed happy and with no regrets. Like you always say...."In life there is no either / or. You can have it all". Thank You for being there :)

Rakesh Soni


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