Heart Mind coherence is a desired state wherein the energies of our Heart and Mind are in complete alignment.

Heart Mind Coherence

Heart Mind coherence is a desired state wherein the energies of  our Heart and Mind are in complete alignment. This is essential for emotional and spiritual well-being. It is an ideal condition where your heart, mind and soul are in complete harmony and there are no discordant emotions.  Your heart has a wide electromagnetic field and it has a direct impact on your feelings, nervous system, overall digestive processes as well your immunity. Therefore, for physical health and mental stability, heart mind coherence is essential.

The coherence levels can be measured by heart rhythm patterns.  If they are smooth, it reflects sync between your body, feelings and thoughts. It helps in reduction of stress levels, increased energy and clarity of thoughts. It also leads to increased intuitive powers and increased understanding.  Your heart rate variability or HRV is the best indicator of the coherence. A high HRV means a high rate of coherence.

Some of the other advantages of achieving this state-of-being are:

It allows you to live in the present moment and not dwell over the past or remain anxious about the future.

Heart Mind coherence promotes self love, self acceptance and healing of emotional wounds. It also gives the feeling of being one with the universe.

Through Heart Mind coherence we can achieve deep inner peace that further allows us to tamp down feelings of restlessness and anxiousness.

Due to clarity of thoughts and mind, we are able to enhance our creativity and master new arts.

With Heart Mind coherence we can increase our emotional intelligence and become more perceptive of the vibes around us.

It increases our resilience and ability to bounce back even in the toughest of conditions.

The best way to achieve this state is to try and maintain positive thoughts and emotions. Feeling of gratitude, contentment and inspiration activate coherence.  While negative thoughts like anxiety, stress and anger can disrupt it. Another way to achieve coherence is through regulated breathing exercises. Apart from this regular physical exercise, mediation, developing a passion and being surrounded by happy people are definitely recommended.

Traumatic experience can lead to a complete imbalance of this coherence and it becomes difficult for the suffered to achieve this equanimity again. This is distressing as the individual is unable to move past the hurtful experience and achieve peace. In such situations it is recommended to go to a licensed counselor to achieve brain heart coherence.  The counselor can suggest ways to have positive reinforcements and techniques to increase the HRV.

With Heart Mind coherence you can improve the overall quality of your life and have a joyful, meaningful existence.

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