Life Between Lives (LBL) Spiritual Regression – Soul Lessons in Spirit

At what age are your earliest childhood memories from? Age 4 or 5, or even younger . Do you have any recollection of the time you spent in the womb? Consciously not, but sub-consciously your soul remembers it all. Not only your time in the womb but also before that -when you were One with divinity.

This hypnotherapeutic modality -Life between Lives (LBL) was popularized by Dr. Newton in his book – Journey of souls. The concept is simple. Once our soul completes its human journey, it goes back to the source of the universe and learns its lessons from this life from Masters and Spirit guides. And it is helped by the Masters (Spiritual entities who have guided our soul’s journey since it separated from the Allsource) to understand its path and right the wrongs it made in its previous lives.

Imagine having access to this information during your life journey. Understanding what mistakes you are making and correct them now, helping your soul on its path to achieve moksha. So how can you reach into the deep recesses of your consciousness and remember the time you spent with the masters.

This is done in deep hypnotic sleep, under the guidance of a certified transpersonal hypnotherapist who can facilitate you to reach this deep layer of your memory.  LBL allows a person to also receive healing by the Spirit guides and loved ones. It is an absolutely amazing experience for a soul to remember returning to the Spirit world, between two lives. This time is also used to review the soul’s past experiences and it also receive insight and guidance about the current life and future events.

I have helped many clients undergo this experience and have been enriched with the knowledge gained during these sessions. Some of the cases that I would like to share are:

Case 1:

This case of this young woman who had been grappling with the decision to get married. She has had a series of unsuccessful relationships. She really wanted to have a child – her main reason to get married. She also was desirous to know her purpose of Life on Earth. She decided to undertake the LBL journey with me. Her journey revealed to her the reasons for the unsuccessful  relationships – these were her lessons to learn to become independent. Also her desire to have a child was stemming from a past life issue wherein she had lost her child due to a war situation in her country. She understood in this journey that her lost child from that lifetime is her Father in this lifetime. This bought about complete understanding to her – of her own needs and the compelling desire that she had for a child . She further understood that she was meant to serve young children in the future by establishing systems of learning in new ways. This motivated and excited her – as this had been a hitherto unattended desire in her mind. This LBL Journey was a case in point to showcase that Love comes along in a full circle. We do not really lose anyone – we just may meet them in another form – so that we can love them again – in another Lifetime.

Case 2 :

This is the case of a LBL journey of woman – who was quite successful in the financial field. She had hit a plateau in her life wherein making money and just living from one pleasure to another had stopped making sense. It was revealed in her journey that she had been a medicine woman and a Healer in many lifetimes. She also understood the reasons for the fractured relationship that she had with her mother. She understood that she had chosen the difficult childhood with her Mom in order to master lessons of resilience and strength. Her interest in Energy healing got further impetus in the LBL as she understood that she had been a Healer – a medicine woman – a High Priestess in many, many lifetimes. She was also able to download information in the Akashic Library which she also visited in the navigation. Her LBL was transformative. She awakened to her hidden strengths post this journey. She eventually transitioned from a corporate career to a complete Healer role. She now works in the area of Hypnotherapy , Reiki and Akashic Records

The above case is my story – I have talked about this to bring home the sheer transformation and awakening that this navigation brought about in my Life. I am at an amazing juncture in my Life where Life is opening her complete bounty for me and am forever in a state of humbled gratitude.

Here’s hoping that you experience the same magic that I did – if you do decide to take this journey. Blessed Be !!!

PC : Unarian Wisdom

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